Ethics and Worker Rights Policy

At Excool, it is our policy to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of our employees and anyone else who may be affected by our work activities. Our aim is to far surpass the minimum legal requirements and appropriate codes of conduct. The safety and wellbeing of employees is a top business priority.

About this Policy

This policy outlines how we create a safe and ethical working environment for our workforce.

The Policy Holders conduct an annual review of our Health and Safety policy and associated procedures to ensure their continued effectiveness. Where necessary, to ensure legal compliance and to promote continuous improvement, the policy will be amended. Any amends will be brought to the attention of all relevant parties.

Safe working conditions

  • All workers are provided with our Employee Handbook. The handbook covers all codes of conduct and Excool policies, such as Equal Opportunities, Diversity and Inclusion, Health and Safety and Non-Harassment and Bullying.
  • Further training and PPE are provided where appropriate.
  • As outlined in our Health and Safety policy, risk assessments have been and continue to be carried out in the workplace.  
  • All suppliers and vendors who work with Excool are vetted to make sure that their business is in line with Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code standards.   

Living wages

  • Workers are paid national minimum wage or above.
  • Workers are offered increased overtime rates. 

reasonable working hours

  • Working hours comply with national laws and collective agreements and are offered the option to work overtime where necessary should they wish.

No discrimination

  • Workers are not treated unfairly based on protected characteristics such as age, disability, gender, race, religion, or sexual orientation. You can read our policy on Equal Opportunities, Diversity and Inclusion here.

No harsh treatment

  • Workers are not subjected to harsh or inhumane treatment.


  • Workers can report unethical behaviour without fear of retaliation.

Employee representation

  • Management encourage dialogue with employees and recognise the importance of employee representation. 

Code of conduct

  • Employees are expected to follow our codes of conduct in regards to respectful communication and health and safety procedures at all times. If they fail to do so, a fair grievance process will be initiated, which may results in dismissal in serious instances.

Contacting us

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact us at