Chancellor of the Exchequer visits Excool

Chancellor of the Exchequer visits Excool

Following on from our top 2 ranking in the top 50 fastest growing businesses in Worcestershire and the number one fastest growing manufacturer, we were delighted to receive a visit before Christmas from Chancellor of the Exchequer The Rt Hon Sajid Javid MP who was keen to hear about our dramatic company growth and plans for the future.

During his time at our factory, the Chancellor took a tour of the facilities and spent time in discussion with our CEO, Duncan Williams who talked about the company, our future plans and explained more about our new Data Center Cooling System the Excool Zero which is one of the most effective, efficient and lowest energy cooling solutions currently available to cool data centers.

The tour concluded with Duncan having the opportunity to introduce the Chancellor to the Excool renewable energy focused ground source heat pump and our advanced Phase Change Energy storage technologies.

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Chancellor of the Exchequer visits Excool

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