Equal Opportunities, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

This policy establishes Excool’s commitment to promoting equal opportunities, diversity, and inclusion in all aspects of recruitment, promotion, training and operational procedures.

It aims to ensure a workplace environment free from discrimination, harassment and bias, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive based on their skills, abilities and potential.

This policy applies to all employees, job applicants, contractors, suppliers and any individuals involved in the operations of Excool.

It covers all aspects of employment, including recruitment, promotion, training and day-to-day procedures.

About this Policy

This policy will be reviewed annually or as required to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Feedback from employees and stakeholders will be actively sought to guide improvements.

Excool values the diversity and contributions of all individuals and is committed to ensuring that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed. By fostering an inclusive and supportive environment, we aim to build a workplace where every individual can prosper.

Policy statement

Excool is committed to:

Equal Opportunities: Providing equal opportunities for all individuals regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability, marital status, socioeconomic background, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Diversity: Embracing and celebrating the diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives of our workforce. We believe that diversity enhances creativity, innovation, and overall organizational success.

Inclusion: Creating an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued, respected, and supported, and where barriers to participation and advancement are actively removed.


  • All job postings will clearly state Excool’s commitment to equal opportunities and diversity.
  • Selection criteria is based solely on job-related competencies, qualifications, and experience. Excool utilise a rating card to ensure a fair selection process.
  • Recruitment processes will be transparent, fair, and free from bias, with accommodations provided for applicants with disabilities.
  • All recruited employees receive an Employee Handbook, where Excool’s policy on Equal Opportunities, Diversity and Inclusion is stated.


  • Promotion decisions will be based on merit, performance, and potential, ensuring equal access to advancement opportunities for all employees.
  • Employees will be encouraged to discuss their career aspirations through regular appraisals and development reviews.
  • Training and support will be offered to help employees prepare for promotion opportunities.


  • Diversity and inclusivity training is included in all management training, including the recruitment and selection process.
  • Management complete externally moderated training courses for HR on employee relations and development.
  • We are working towards mandatory training for all employees on diversity, inclusion, and unconscious bias to foster a respectful and equitable workplace.


  • Excool will regularly review and update its policies and procedures to ensure alignment with legal standards and best practices in equal opportunities, diversity, and inclusion.
  • Complaints of discrimination, harassment, or bias will be addressed promptly and thoroughly through a fair grievance process, with appropriate corrective actions taken. This includes employee support and may include dismissal in serious instances that we consider gross misconduct.
  • Whistleblowing policy employed across all companies.
  • HR functions are moderated by an external HR consultancy to ensure compliance and fairness.
  • We are reviewing our policies with the aim to collate anonymised data on recruitment, promotion and training outcomes that will be monitored to identify and address potential disparities.


  • Excool is committed to supporting the local community by working with local charities to combat unemployment and homelessness in young people.
  • Excool works with local job centres and recruitment agencies when hiring.
  • We also run an apprenticeship scheme through local colleges.


Management: Responsible for implementing this policy, promoting a culture of inclusivity, and addressing any issues that arise.

Employees: Expected to uphold the principles of this policy, treat colleagues with respect, and report any breaches.

Human Resources: Responsible for providing training, monitoring compliance, and ensuring effective handling of complaints and concerns.

Contacting us

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact us at info@excool.com